Safeguarding Statement 保障聲明
Principles that we are committed to: 我們的承諾原則:
- we believe that nobody should be subjected to harm or abuse; and 我們相信任何人都不應受到傷害或虐待;
- it is everyone’s responsibility to play their part in ensuring that a safe environment is maintained for other people as well as themselves. 每個人都有責任發揮自己的作用,確保為他人和他們自己維護一個安全的環境。
If there is a safeguarding concern relating to your Alpha (or another Alpha ministry course) please contact the church authorities running or overseeing your Alpha (or other ministry course) as soon as possible and they should be able to assist you. If the issue is not dealt with or resolved satisfactorily, please direct your safeguarding concern as soon as possible to the appropriate local authorities and/or, if appropriate, the emergency services such as the local police.
如果對您的 啟發(或其他 Alpha 啟發事工課程)存在保護措施問題,請盡快聯繫開辦或監督您的 啟發(或其他事工課程)的教會當局,他們應該能夠為您提供幫助。 如果問題沒有得到令人滿意的處理或解決,請盡快將您的安全保障問題直接轉給適當的地方當局和/或(如果合適)緊急服務部門,例如當地警察。