AlphaAnywhere Movement in Various Sectors

We are glad to see that, just in the past 6 months, more & more Christians in the marketplace, campus & church have responded to God’s call and joined us in the AlphaAnywhere movement. We have even witnessed Alpha being launched across an entire industry for the first time, which has greatly encouraged many Christians of other industries to dream bigger as well!

Insurance Sector AlphaAnywhere Launch

In March, the “Revive Insurance Fellowship” gathered over 100 Christian Insurance agents to pray for revival for their industry and share the AlphaAnywhere vision.

Approx. 50 insurance agents participated in the AlphaAnywhere training in April. 8 insurance offices have already started or are going to start AlphaAnywhere soon.

AlphaAnywhere Launch in Other Sectors

This is the AlphaAnywhere envisioning session for the Association of Christian Accountants (ACA) Prayer meeting in June. Inspired by the insurance sector, leaders of other industries, such as accounting, banking and medical sectors, also gathered & mobilised Christians from their sectors to start AlphaAnywhere.

The Alpha team shared the AlphaAnywhere vision with Christian leaders from the medical sector.

Joint Campus AlphaAnywhere Retreat

The Joint Campus AlphaAnywhere Retreat in March was joined by around 30 young people from CUHK Medical School, Polytechnic University Nursing School and a church youth group. We were glad to see many of them greatly encouraged by the love of God!

AlphaAnywhere Trainings for Churches

We organised AlphaAnywhere trainings for 4 partner churches, in order to mobilise & equip their church members to share the Gospel with their colleagues & friends in their daily life contexts through Alpha. All together over 100 people participated in our 4 trainings. We are following up closely with these participants to make sure they have the support they need to launch & run their AlphaAnywhere. (Top: AlphaAnywhere Training at Kau Yan Church)

AlphaAnywhere Training at Chinese Methodist Church

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