Walk with us // Alpha Hong Kong // E-News Feb 2017



Greetings from the Executive Director

Dear Alpha Friends & Partners,

Praise the Lord for a fruitful 2016 for Alpha HK!

Just in the past year, we have witnessed over 120 churches (approx 10% of all churches in HK) run Alpha for the very first time. We have seen the total number of Alpha courses in HK increase by more than 50%, from 312 in 2015 to 478 in 2016. And we have heard wonderful reports of how our Alpha Nextgen Series and Alpha Series (both locally funded & produced Cantonese resources) are being used to effectively reach Chinese people not only in HK, but also in Macau, China, Malaysia, Australia, the UK, Canada, & the USA! Indeed, we are so humbled and grateful to know that God has used Alpha HK to make such an impact both locally and globally!

At the same time, we also recognize that we still have so much more to learn and so much more to do. We have only just begun  to explore all the amazing opportunities that God has opened up for us to reach the many workplaces, schools, and campuses of HK with the Good News. However, like Jesus said in Luke 10:2, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”. More than ever, in 2017 we need YOU to join us in this great work of the Lord! Whether it’s with your time, resources, or prayers, let us labor together to make the most of every opportunity God has given us to advance His Kingdom in this city and region like never before!

Last but not least, I want to take a moment to thank Gary & Garland Cheng for their tremendous leadership & vision over the past 7 years serving as Chairman and director of our board. The ministry has never been healthier and stronger, and that can largely be attributed to their dedication and sacrifice. As they prepare to move on to new assignments in the Lord, we bless them with even greater wisdom, favor and grace!

At the same time, please join me in warmly welcoming Pat Nie Woo as the new Chairman of the board and his wife Esther as a new director of the board! Both Pat Nie and Esther have been faithful Alpha practitioners & pioneers for many years already and we are excited to partner even more closely with them in the years ahead.

Blessings to you and your family for the Year of the Rooster!

In Him,

Jason Young
Executive Director
Alpha Hong Kong


Message from the New Chairman

It is truly an honour and a privilege to be the new Chairman of Alpha Hong Kong. Together with my wife, Esther, we hope to be able to fill the big shoes left by Gary and Garland. They have done such a tremendous job in the past 7 years and they have been so instrumental in the growth of the Alpha course throughout Hong Kong.

Alpha has been ever present in my life since the course led me to Christ in 1997 when I attended Alpha at St. Andrews. It is by God’s grace that 20 years on, I am able to give back to the course that forever changed my life. In these 20 years, through serving in more courses that we can count, we have seen so many lives changed, so many of our friends and colleagues being blessed by Alpha. It still feels like yesterday when I served alongside Gary and Garland all those years ago in the first Alpha at Evangelical Community Church (ECC), even before Island ECC existed.

This is the ministry that both Esther and I have served together and are both very passionate about. We see Alpha as the gateway into a transformed life in Christ Jesus. The fruits of the course speak for themselves, and we believe the impact of Alpha will continue to spread far and wide in this region.

I look forward to serving alongside all of you in the years to come and may we continue to partner together in inviting Heaven to earth.

With much blessing,

Pat Nie Woo
Board Chairman
Alpha Hong Kong






Alpha Series & Alpha Film Series

(Mandarin Versions are available now)


Alpha Series

Alpha Series is presented by Professor Leung In Sing, a renowned scholar on Chinese culture and western philosophy as well as a highly respected Christian leader with a faithful ministry in China, which caters to intellectuals and people with a strong Chinese heritage. (15 episodes in Cantonese with Mandarin, Traditional & Simplified Chinese subtitles; 25 mins each).

Alpha Film Series

Alpha Film Series is emotive and epic in scale and scope. The crew has been all around the world, filming in Canada, UK, France, India, Hong Kong, Israel and New York. Nicky Gumbel and two new presenters, Toby Flint and Gemma Hunt, walk us through the Alpha material in a way that everyone can relate to. The episodes feature inspiring stories and interviews, as well as visual illustrations and motion graphics. This is a product reimagined for the next generation. (15 episodes in English with Mandarin, Traditional & Simplified Chinese subtitles; 25 mins each).

You can register at alpha.org.hk/en/run and get free access to the Alpha videos.


Join us and save the date for the upcoming Alpha events!

6/3Alpha Team Training (ENG)Details
30/3Alpha Team Training (CHI)Details
22/4-23/6Parenting Course Training (CHI)
29/4AlphaAnywhere Retreat (CHI)
20/5AlphaAnywhere Retreat (ENG)
17/6AlphaAnywhere Retreat (CHI)
14-15/7SPARK Alpha Conference 2017
28/7-25/8Marriage Course Training (CHI)
18/11AlphaAnywhere Retreat (CHI)


Invitation to Partner

We thank God for using Alpha to bless this city over the past 18 years. In recent years, the Lord has led Alpha Hong Kong to produce many localized Cantonese multimedia resources for evangelism that have greatly impacted Hong Kong and Cantonese communities around the world. Because of His grace and vision, since 2015 we have made most of our resources available for free online. So, now over 95% of our income comes from donations. We believe that when He gives us a vision, He will also give us the provision!

Alpha Hong Kong is committed to serving as your ministry partner, providing you with the consulting services and support that you may need when running Alpha. For the 2016-17 fiscal year, our total budget expenditure is HK$4.5M. We are excited to share with you some of our ongoing projects and upcoming projects in the table below.


As our donation income in this financial year has grown more slowly than we expected, we would like to invite you to partner with us in prayer as we continue with the mission that God has given us. And if you wish to partner with us financially, here are the giving methods –

1. Visit alpha.org.hk/en/give and donate via PayPal
2. Complete a donation form (download here) and return it to us with your deposit receipt by mail (Kwun Tong P.O. Box No. 62086, Hong Kong) / email ([email protected])

Thank you so much for your continual support that has resulted in many lives and communities being transformed by the Good News of Jesus Christ.



 Office Relocation Notice 

Dear Alpha Partners & Friends,

We are pleased to inform you that our office has recently relocated. Please visit our retail partner below to purchase Alpha resources –

The Altar Shop
Room 4C, Lai Kee Mansion, 523 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 2777 8688

Our new mailing address is:
Kwun Tong P.O. Box no. 62086, Hong Kong

Please note that our office email address, telephone & fax numbers will remain unchanged.

Thanks for your support!
Alpha Hong Kong


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