Mobilising the Church for Missions

Alpha Trainers Training at the Methodist Church

We were invited by The Methodist Church Hong Kong to organise the “Alpha Trainers Training 2018” in May to equip 104 pastors & church leaders. 33 of them obtained the “Certified Alpha Trainer” qualification, and will help equip more church Alpha teams in the future.

Kong Fok Church X Central Gospel Mission Alpha

In April – June, EFCC Kong Fok Church and Central Gospel Mission co-organised an Alpha during lunch time for office workers in Admiralty and Central / Western districts. On average, there were over 160 guests per session.

Alpha & Family Ministry Training in Macau

In April, we were invited by churches in Macau to organise 3 trainings, 2 of which were family ministry training sessions with over 50 pastors & church leaders from 9 churches attending.

The Workplace Alpha training session was attended by 15 leaders from 2 churches. The AlphaAnywhere vision inspired many Christian leaders in Macau to see marketplace missions in a different way.

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