SPARK Alpha Workplace Conference 2017 【Register】


SPARK 作為一場職場宣教運動,渴望連結在職場和教會的領袖,一起構思如何同心將神的國度帶到職場當中。


‘SPARK 特會’ 的目的就是要燃起我們的職場宣教之火,透過連結心志相同的朋友、賦予簡單而有效的工具,在神所安排我們生活的各處 , 動員大家引發復興和轉化。


What is SPARK?

SPARK is a movement that gathers, empowers, and releases every Christian to bring God’s kingdom into the marketplace.

Why the SPARK Conference?

The SPARK Conference is designed to ignite the fire in our hearts for marketplace missions by connecting us with like-minded people, equipping us with simple & effective tools, and mobilising us to SPARK revival & transformation wherever God has placed us.




黃先生出任的香港特區政府公職包括金融發展局小組成員、可持續發展委員會小組增選成員、禁毒基金投資小組委員會委員。其他社會公職包括環保組織“Clean Air Network”(健康空氣行動)董事局主席、公益金預算及分配委員會副主席等,亦是中文大學全球政治經濟社會科學碩士課程客席講師。

Mr. Stephen Wong
Lecturer of MSSc in Global Political Economy of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Stephen Wong received a B.A. Degree in Economics from the University of Chicago, and an M.A. Degree in East Asian Studies from Yale University. Since then, he worked for a number of global financial institutions, including as an Executive Director in UBS (London) and a Managing Director at RBS.

Mr. Wong’s public service includes various advisory roles appointed by the Hong Kong Government, including Committee Member of the Financial Services Development Council, Sub-committee Co-opt Member of the Sustainable Development Council, and Member of Investment Committee of the Beat Drugs Fund. Mr. Wong is also active in community service. He is Chairman of the “Clean Air Network” and Vice Chairman of the Budget and Allocation Committee of the Community Chest. He is also a part-time Lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the Master of Social Science in Global Political Economy.


陳潮源牧師畢業於香港科技大學工程學院,2001年於崇基神學院考獲道學碩士後,在生命頌浸信會展開全職牧養工作,現為生命頌浸信會主任牧師,並且是西貢及將軍澳區教牧同工團契主席。陳牧師多年來積極推動職場及社區轉化,2012 年協助成立「汽車業之家團契」,出任團牧。他熱衷牧養汽車業及更多界別的職場信徒,裝備及建立信徒迎接職場挑戰。

Rev. Lawance Chan
Senior Pastor of Celebrate Life Baptist Church

Rev. Lawrence Chan graduated from the Engineering School of The University of Science and Technology, and received a Master of Divinity Degree from the Divinity School of Chung Chi College in 2001. Since then, Rev. Chan has been serving full-time at Celebrate Life Baptist Church (CLBC). He is now the Senior Pastor at CLBC and the Chairman of the Sai Kung & Tseung Kwan O Pastors’ Fellowship. Rev. Chan is an advocate for marketplace and community transformation. He is the Chaplain and co-founder of the “Cars Fellowship”, which was established in 2012 by Christian businessmen from the car industry. His passion is to minister, equip and raise up marketplace Christians from different industries for God.




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